HK$48,500 (5 nights); Early Bird: HK$47,500 (when payment is made before 21 February)
Prices apply to both members and non-member
Enrolment deadline: 20 March
*The fee is inclusive of accommodation at Edinburgh Business School, meals and local transportation. Participants are responsible for arranging their return air tickets to and from Edinburgh and insurance.
Payment method:
Send a crossed cheque payable to "GROWDynamics Asia Limited" to CPA Australia, 20/F Tai Yau Building, 18 Johnston Road, Wanchai.
Members in China: Bank Transfer directly to GROWDynamics Asia Limited, HSBC Hong Kong a/c: 186787001 Branch code: 004 74
Registration subject to confirmation by CPA Australia and availability once payment is received.
Thanks for your registration, be in touch shortly!