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[Talent Development] Self-improvement is free
Want to earn some qualifications but can't afford to do an MBA financially or in terms of time, what are other suitable qualifications good for general management and help to advance oneself?
While earning a higher qualification may improve changes of being promoted, this is not eh most important step. In the fast-moving technology field, the following competencies are needed.
There is no room for managers to be complacent. How knowledgable are you in deploying technology to business? Can you talk about your products or services in a couple of sentences that people can understand? The reason you have a boss is that he has competencies you don't have. You need to find out what they are and acquire them quickly.​
This goes beyond project management. For example, I have a friend who consistently receives appreciative feedback from his customers for revamping existing processes by cutting wast and time, and make things simple.
Everyone wants a colleague who is helpful, assertive and willing to take on more responsibilities.
There is no fixed formula for success, but one thing is clear: if you focus on your goals, use your resources and network wisely, you will stand a better change of moving up the career ladder.​
There are many short courses you can attend for self-improvement in any of the above. You may also find a goo d mentor or coach who has been there, and he or she might be ale to guide you along the way.
Source: SCMP, by Sidney Yuen, GROWDynamics
Tags: Training / Soft Skills / Communication Skills / Self-improvement

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